In this book you can hack All These Ports

1. FTP - Port 21
2. SSH - Port 22
3. Telnet - Port 23
4. SMTP | Port 25 and Submission Port 587
5. DNS - Port 53
6. Finger - Port 79
7. HTTP - port 80
8. Kerberos - Port 88
9. POP3 - Port 110
10. RPCInfo - Port 111
11. Ident - Port 113
12. SNMP - Port 161
13. Check Point FireWall-1 Topology - Port 264
14. LDAP - Port 389
15. SMB - Port 445
16. rexec - Port 512
17. rlogin - Port 513
18. RSH - port 514
19. AFP - Apple Filing Protocol - Port 548
20. Microsoft Windows RPC Services | Port 135 and Microsoft RPC Services over HTTP | Port 593
21. HTTPS - Port 443 and 8443
22. RTSP - Port 554 and 8554
23. Rsync - Port 873
24. Java RMI - Port 1099
25. MS-SQL | Port 1433
26. Oracle - Port 1521
27. NFS - Port 2049
28. ISCSI - Port 3260
29. SAP Router | Port 3299
30. MySQL | Port 3306
31. Postgresql - Port 5432
32. HPDataProtector RCE - Port 5555
33. VNC - Port 5900
34. CouchDB - Port 5984
35. X11 - Port 6000
36. Redis - Port 6379
37. AJP Apache JServ Protocol - Port 8009
38. PJL - Port 9100
39. Apache Cassandra - Port 9160
40. Network Data Management Protocol (ndmp) - Port 1000
41. Memcache - Port 11211
42. MongoDB - Port 27017 and Port 27018
43. EthernetIP-TCP-UDP - Port 44818
44. UDP BACNet - Port 47808