Difficulty: Beginners
Format: Video MP4 [Full HD 1920x1080p]
Download Size: 73 MB
Duration: 13:05
Language: Hindi – 
Operating System Used: Kali Linux

About The Course :

Over Wan Facebook Record Hacking utilizing phishing page Free Download.

In this video instructional exercise: I am telling you the best way to make the phishing page of any site in Kali Linux? Step by step instructions to utilize phishing page over wan for record hacking any social locales like Facebook, Twitter, and so on. 

Very simple strides in Hindi without utilizing a computerized content or instruments.

1.   Phishing Social engineering techniques.
2.   Creating a phishing web page of any website.
3.   Account hacking using phishing.
4.   How to be safe from a phishing attack.

Note: This video is training purposes as it were. We don't advance, empower, support or energize any criminal behavior or hacking. We can't be considered answerable for any abuse of the given data.

Phishing assaults: Watch out for these indications that you've been sent to a fake site: 

The quantity of phishing assaults keeps on rising and digital lawbreakers are utilizing some exceptionally basic strategies to guarantee that their malignant messages sidestep security insurances and stunt unfortunate casualties into downloading malware, giving over their login certifications and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Specialists at cybersecurity organization IronScales analyzed more than 25,000 malignant messages that had skirted inbox security over a multi-month time frame and found that instead of utilizing propelled systems, a considerable lot of the assaults were just diverting clients to counterfeit sites.

Frequently, these destinations act like enormous brand organizations like Microsoft, PayPal, banks, and retailers, and urge clients to enter individual qualifications. In Ife client gives this data, it falls under the control of the digital crooks who can utilize it in any capacity they wish, either for submitting extortion and robbery themselves or selling the accreditations on to others on underground gatherings.

SEE: 10 hints for new cybersecurity masters (free PDF)

Be that as it may, assessment of the phishing sites found that there are normally some indication that the page is a phony – in any event when the destinations were intended to seem as though duplicates of the organization they're mirroring.

In practically 50% of cases, pictures on the site were obscured and out of center – a sign that the pictures have been screen-snatched or generally duplicated from the genuine article and set on a phony. In a fourth of cases, the picture had been resized and seemed extended or lengthened.

In both of these cases, it's generally a sign that something isn't right.

In the meantime in around 15% of cases, fake locales are planned so that they appear to be unique to the genuine form; by and large, these phony points of arrival make themselves look like having had an update.

In around one out of ten cases, the phishing page looks practically authentic, however, assailants have picked obsolete symbolism or informing on their phony site. This can occur if an organization has changed its logo or marking and the assailants haven't focused on the sites they're attempting to mirror.

In 5% of cases, the phishing site will look and sound a ton like the organization the aggressors are attempting to mirror, however, shows an extraordinary desire to move quickly for the guest, be it a danger of something has turned out badly, or revealing to them they have to enter their subtleties promptly to get to their record.

Scientists state that by and large, people groups miss these hints and succumb to phishing sites because of purposeful visual impairment: when they don't see a sudden change, in any event, when it's covered up on display.

Be that as it may, if clients put shortly inspecting conceivably suspicious messages and sites, away from the messages or the website page being bogus can rapidly rise.

SEE: This new Android malware comes camouflaged as a talk application

Also, if clients truly think they have to enter their certifications, it's prescribed that they go legitimately to the site that the email professes to connection to, to stay away from the probability of clicking a vindictive think and giving their subtleties to assailants.

Also, if this occurs in the professional workplace, the best activity is to make your data security group mindful of anything suspicious or surprising.


Password  kali4hacking

Download : https://mega.nz/file/m2AUiIhL#US5z_-8fyRFziAGFhRuB35CRkK8Uk9XbT7WzhegJjrE