Shozab Haxor Course in Urdu/Hindi

Asslam-o-Alaikum Guys!


Shozab Haxor is a Pakistani Youtuber Who Teaches About Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing in Windows, Linux, Youtube.
He has Created him Some Paid Courses About Penetration Testing in Windows, Linux, and Html Course in the Hindi/Urdu Language Course.

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This video is instructive purposes as it were. We don't advance, empower, bolster or energize any criminal behavior or hacking. We can't be viewed as responsible for any maltreatment of the given information

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Researchers Figured Out How To Hack Computers Using Heat:

Warmth has consistently been an issue for PCs, yet now there's something else entirely to stress over than smoking a CPU or GPU. Scientists have made sense of how to hack into PCs utilizing heat. 

Scientists at Ben-Gurion College have made another bit of malware called BitWhisper. It's not the sort of thing that composed cybercriminals could ever use to assault your home PC. BitWhisper is the sort of insane hacking instrument that you read about in a science fiction novel — just it's genuine. 

Contaminated machines can transmit information utilizing the heat they produce. Directions, for instance, can be passed starting with one framework then onto the next by tweaking its temperature. The objective machine's warm sensors get on the changes and execute a predefined activity. Little bits of caught information (like passwords) can likewise be transmitted along these lines. 

It's not the most proficient approach to siphon information off a machine, however, it's not intended to be. BitWhisper targets air-gapped frameworks, PCs that are totally secluded from remote and wired systems so as to keep them as secure as could be expected under the circumstances. These are touchy government and military frameworks and atomic reactor control PCs. That kind of thing. Be that as it may, even air-gapped machines can be tainted, and they every now and again are — typically by amazingly refined, state-supported malware. 

BitWhisper is malware that is worked for the long stretch. It's alright that it catches data gradually, in light of the fact that the option is failing to capture any information whatsoever. 

How might BitWhisper jump on a machine in any case? All things considered, it could presumably be pre-stacked onto a hard drive that was caught via the post office — or conveyed on a tainted USB streak drive, which individuals are some way or another as yet connecting to exceptionally touchy hardware despite the fact that they know better.

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