Types of Hackers

Hackers are classified according to the intent of their actions. The following list classifies hackers according to their intent.

Ethical Hacker (White hat)

A hacker who gains access to systems with a view to fix the identified weaknesses. They may also perform penetration testing and vulnerability assessments.

Cracker (Black hat)

A hacker who gains unauthorized access to computer systems for personal gain. The intent is usually to steal corporate data, violate privacy rights, transfer funds from bank accounts etc.

Grey hat

A hacker who is in between ethical and black hat hackers. He/she breaks into computer systems without authority with a view to identify weaknesses and reveal them to the system owner.

Script kiddies

A non-skilled person who gains access to computer systems using already made tools.


A hacker who use hacking to send social, religious, and political, etc. messages. This is usually done by hijacking websites and leaving the message on the hijacked website 


A hacker who identifies and exploits weaknesses in telephones instead of computers.